
How Accountability Services Cut Down from 14 Tools to 5

As an accountant myself, I’ve seen firsthand how streamlining an accounting tech stack can transform a business. That’s why I was so inspired by my conversation with Lera Kooper, co-owner of Accountability Services, about how her firm cut down from 14 tools to 5 by overhauling their tech stack. It’s a story of embracing change, simplifying processes, and creating a system that works not just for her team, but for her clients too.

Finding the Balance Between Growth and Efficiency

At Accountability Services, they do more than just accounting. They partner with entrepreneurs and startups, walking alongside them every step of the way. Lera explained it beautifully: “We are passionate about working with people who have the entrepreneurial spirit. Helping them succeed is what drives us.”

I relate to this mindset so much—serving our clients goes beyond just numbers. It’s about building relationships and helping them thrive. But to deliver that level of service, you need the right tools, which is exactly why Lera and her team took a hard look at their tech stack and made the decision to overhaul it.

Tech Overload: When Too Many Tools Do More Harm Than Good

Lera’s firm, like many others, found themselves with too many tools doing too many things. They had 14 different tools managing a variety of functions—some of which were custom-built—and it wasn’t sustainable.

We can’t just keep adding to the tech stack to band-aid things,” Lera shared with me, and she’s right. I’ve been there. At some point, it’s not just about adding new features or systems; it’s about stepping back and asking, Is this really helping us? For Accountability Services, it wasn’t. That’s when they decided to start fresh.

From Chaos to Clarity: Streamlining with Canopy

The first step was to identify what wasn’t working. They needed a reliable, integrated tool that could simplify operations, and Canopy turned out to be the perfect fit. By adopting Canopy, Lera’s firm went from 14 tools down to just 5—now managing their workflow, client communication, and more with ease.

I could hear the relief in Lera’s voice when she talked about how seamless the transition was. “We put a lot of thought into our process and gathered insights from our team as we explored options,” she explained. That’s a key lesson for all of us in this industry—how Accountability Services cut down from 14 tools to 5 required actively engaging the team. They ran surveys, collected feedback, and kept everyone in the loop, which made adopting Canopy smooth and stress-free.

Real Results: Better for the Team, Better for Clients

We’ve all had those moments where we worry about how a new system will be received. But for Lera, the feedback from her team was overwhelmingly positive.

And the benefits were immediate. The Communications tab alone in Canopy has been a lifesaver,” Lera said. Having everything centralized—especially when you’re managing a team of 30 people—is a lifesaver. It’s not just about making things easier for the team, though. It’s about improving the client experience, and that’s what Canopy helped them do. As accountants, we know the power of having accurate, timely information at our fingertips, and it makes all the difference when serving clients.

Lera’s Advice: Don’t Wait for the “Perfect Time”

Lera’s story serves as a reminder that waiting for the “perfect time” to make a change in your firm’s technology may not come. Her advice? “Much like the best time to plant a tree being 20 years ago, the best time to find the perfect tech stack is today”.

I couldn’t agree more. In our industry, technology moves fast, and staying ahead means being willing to adapt and evolve. Lera and her team at Accountability Services are a great example of what can happen when you approach change with a proactive mindset and a commitment to improving efficiency for both your team and your clients.

Want to learn more about Lera Kooper’s journey and how Accountability Services streamlined their processes with Canopy? Watch this video!  You’ll come away with actionable insights that can transform your own accounting firm!

Want more? For more insights on optimizing workflows, read more on my website.